About the imbalances by holistic perspective

As you probably know, we can influence and regulate the chemistry of our body, and hormones aren’t an exception. From the holistic perspective, there are 3 approaches or levels of imbalances in our body: physical, emotional-energetical, and mind-spiritual. Let’s explore it.
The physical imbalances or physical stress manifests in our body like injuries, inflammations, allergies, food intolerances, parasites, infections, etc. We can help our body to get rid of physical stress by changing our lifestyle, choosing healthy diets, eliminating allergens, killing parasites, using the right supplements, or help from surgeons, etc.
Emotional or energetical imbalances we create most with negative emotions like grief, disappointment, hopelessness, emotional trauma, jealousy, anger, sadness, hatred, etc, and of course stress from an inability to manage daily life. We know everything about it and we are working here to balance our emotions with the help of many therapies like EFT, hypnotherapy, cognitive therapy, aromatherapy, flower medicine, herbs, and many many more.
How about stress from our minds? Is it our ideas about how and what I should be, what life should be, what partner should be, others should be? We create and hold on to these beliefs for a very long time… and we become those beliefs. How can we disconnect from or delete those ideas and beliefs we were creating for so long? Now they already manifest like mind and body sicknesses and imbalances in our hormones and overall health.
We somehow have to come behind those ideas and get in contact with who we really are. We need to find this eternal part of us where the power of life, joy, vitality, and wholeness is.
How can we get there? Where to go? How can we get the mind to be in contact with and listen to our spirit?
In medical language: hypothalamus-pituitary- pineal glands or more beautiful- Chrystal palace. Here is our command and management center. Here the regulation of essential physical processes, most of the hormones and vital substances in our body happens. Here are our behavior patterns, memory, consciousness, unconsciousness, emotions, and mind interactions happens. Hypothalamus-pituitary- pineal glands are performing incredibly complicated processes in the human body. Science is trying to get an understanding of these processes, but can only manage a very little part of it. We can try to correct it gently with the help of some remedies… and maybe sometimes we can manage stress or unbearable emotions or a heavy state of mind… But we have to go deeper to reach our essence through any mind-body practice, mindfulness, meditation, or spiritual tradition which resonates with our soul and fills our heart with joy.
And the good news is that at whatever level we will heal ourselves – physically, energetically, or spiritually – they interact with each other and will support the entire hormone system and overall health.
I will write more about remedies and methods on this blog.

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